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 I am a therapist, a gardener, a mother, a grandmother, a lover of life.
 I am a reader, a writer, a becomer. 

In my paid work life I am a licensed psychologist, providing outpatient therapy services for children, adolescents, adults, and families. On Saturdays, I have my own therapy eating donuts at DD with my 3-year-old grandson. I have a garden full of flowers, a pond full of fish, and a goofy flower-terrorizing boxer-beagle mix. I once had a lizard named Steve.


​Books and libraries have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. My grandparents had great stacks of books in a wall of bookcases that seemed larger than life. My mother always had her nose in a book and my father read the Washington Post cover to cover every morning (it's true, I quizzed him). As an elementary student, I helped our school librarian with re-shelving books. I loved Pippi Longstocking and dressed up as her for Halloween. Other favorites included the Laura Ingalls Wilder and Nancy Drew series.​ 

I have been writing stories since the third grade. My first, The Pan Man, wasn't great, but my dad told me it was and had it bound for me. Through the years I have dabbled with stories but have now taken it on with serious intent. Be looking for new picture books and storybooks from this becomer. Some are funny, some therapeutic--all worth a good read.


Addendum to the above: I would also like to point out that I am the sister of the coolest brother ever and that I am lucky to have such an amazing baby seester! OK, I think I got those quotes correct.

a becomer: a writer working to become a great writer​



on the way to the library: an adventure in reading, writing, and doodling 

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